Sunday, February 27, 2011

Return of the Home Run Kid by Matt Christopher

Realistic Fiction
The pitcher throws, CRACK! The ball goes flying,... HOME RUN!!! The crowd goes wild! A kid named Sylvester Coddmyer from Return of the Home Run Kid by Matt Christopher, made this shot. At first, he got a lot of home runs last year. In the 1st part of this year, he kind of messed up. But now he's getting GREAT catches and home runs. My favorite part is when his friend, Joyce, threw her arms around him at the end of a good game. They like each other and even hold hands in movies. They're good friends. It's just,... just.... ROMANCE! Romance rules! I like this part because I love it when romance is in stories. If you're into baseball, READ THIS BOOK! Syl is a home run hero. Hope you like it!

-- BAW