Thursday, August 28, 2014

Teddy Roosevelt: The People's President by Sharon Gayle

Did you know that one of our greatest presidents was weak and had poor health as a child? He suffered from asthma which makes it hard to breathe. He couldn't see far away stuff? Have you ever heard of Teddy Roosevelt? He's the man I'm talking about! I liked how he became strong and overcame asthma and other challenges. He became a rancher, police commissioner, military leader, and a governor. He then became vice president of the United States. When President Mckinley was killed, Teddy became president. It was an exciting time because airplanes, new inventions, cars, and movies were all invented in this time. I like these kind of things. The Teddy Bear was even named after him because he freed a bear that was captured. I liked this book. If you can breathe, have breathed, or will breathe, read this book!

-- c.s.b