Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boys Against Girls by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Realistic Fiction
Suddenly Caroline, Beth, and Eddie saw two yellow eyes staring right at them. They screamed and ran away. My book is called Boys Against Girls, By Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. My favorite part is when Caroline went to steal the bait from the boys abaguchie trap,. The bait was a chicken leg. Then the door slammed on her and the cow bell started to ring. The boys came running out of the house to see what they caught. They were not very surprised when they saw Carolin in the trap. Mr. Hatford, the boys' dad, came out to see what the boys caught. He looked in the trap and was surprised to see Carolin sitting there. He opened the box so Caroline could get out. As soon as the traps door opened she walked off back to her house. Before she got too far, Mr. Hatford said, Caroline I hope you enjoyed the chicken leg. I like this part because it was funny and made me laugh. I recommend this book to anyone who likes revenge.

-- M.S.